The first roast post

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I’ve been roasting coffee for almost ten years. It started as a fun hobby using the Air Popcorn Popper Method, as recommended by Sweet Marias. From the then to now, my passion has grown little by little. I was gifted a proper drum roaster several years ago. It’s a behmor 1600 which I upgraded to the plus model by replacing the Control Board (PCB). The upgrade provided a few more options that I’m just beginning to master.
I’ll admit that coffee roasting has become more of a chore than a hobby now but, since I’m in the routine of it, I do it weekly without question. Even my worst roasts taste better than coffee from the supermarket. In addition, I spend around $6 per lb for raw coffee. If I ordered more at a time I could get that cost between $3 and $4 per lb. That’s incredible considering a 12oz bag of craft roasted coffee in my area retails for $16! The cost of the equipment pays itself off relatively quickly.
These are two roasts that I did recently (enough) that turned out pretty delicious.

I won’t get into the details of coffee roasting in this post, but I just wanted to have a starting point, and provide some resources that I find helpful.
If you’re looking for something to do and you love coffee, I think you should give roasting a try. Get popping!!!